Use of Mathematics in Space. By: Princey

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Sometimes we think that how we can measure the distance between two stars or two planets.

Have you heard about light year word ? .... Yes everyone.
Now think about light . Light is the fastest thing in our universe . Speed of light is 300000 km/sec. It means light travels 300000 km in 1 sec. If we have to find its distance in one year?

speed of light in 1 year = 1 light year
Now we will calculate it in mathematics using formula
Distance = speed x time
                = 300000 km/sec x 1 year
                = 300000 x 365 days x 24 hrs x 60 min. x 60 sec
                = 9461,000,000,000 km
1 light year= 9 trillion, 460 billion and 80 crore km

Distance between Earth and Moon is 1 light sec = 4 days

Distance from sun to proxima centauri = 4.24 light years
Size of our galaxy Milky way = 100,000 light years
Now lets think how can we measure distance of star from our earth.
Here we will use mathematical formula 'Trignometric parallax'

This picture clear this thing that how we can calculate distance of stars from earth using formula 'Trignometric Parallax'
distance = 1 / parallax


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