Nobel Prizes in 2022 By: Avneet

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The Nobel Prizes are five separate prizes that according to Alfred Nobel’s will of 1895, are awarded to “those who during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.”

Nobel Prizes are awarded in fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace.

The Prize Ceremonies take place annually. Each recipient receives a gold medal, a diploma and a monetary award.

The Nobel Prize winners of 2022 are:

Nobel Prize Category

Nobel Prize Laureates

Awarded For

Nobel Prize in Physics

  1. Alain Aspect
  2. John F Clauser
  3. Anton Zeilinger

For their work on entangled photon experiments, proving the violation of Bell inequalities, and developing the field of quantum information science.

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

  1. Carolyn Bertozzi
  2. Morten Meldal
  3. Barry Sharpless

For the establishment of the foundations of click chemistry & bioorthogonal chemistry and also took chemistry into the functionalism era.

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Svante Paabo

For his research on the extinct hominid genomes and the evolution of humans.

Nobel Prize in Literature

Annie Ernaux

For the bravery and clinical acuity with which she reveals the origins, estrangements, and collective restrictions of personal memory.

Noble Prize in Economics

  1. Ben S. Bernanke
  2. Douglas W. Diamond
  3. Philip H. Dybvig

For research on financial crises and banks.

Nobel Peace Prize

  1. Ales Bialiatski
  2. Memorial Human Rights Organization (Russia)
  3. Center for Civil Liberties Human Rights Organisation (Ukrainian)

For encouraging the right to criticise power and protect the citizen’s fundamental rights.


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