How to become a better you everyday. By: Shimona

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Most of us want to be a better person—whether at home, in the office, or just when we’re out running errands. The problem is where exactly do you start.
I realized a couple years ago that I was a jerk at times to people I worked with and to people I feel I couldn’t get any value out of. Over the past couple years, I have become a much better person by working on myself.
Here are some of the things I have been implementing into my daily routine to become a better person on a daily basis.

1. Think Before You Speak
Words can carry a lot of weight. Think about the first time your significant other told you that he or she loved you. How awesome did that feel? However, words can also be hurtful. Have you ever told an inappropriate joke or called someone a bleeping-bleep? You probably felt pretty lousy afterward.
Always take the couple extra seconds to think about the impact of your words before you say them out loud.

2. Embrace Change
Change helps us grow as individuals. Instead of resisting change, you should be open to trying new things, even if they scare you. For example, you may be nervous about trying that new Thai restaurant in town, but you might discover your new favourite restaurant.
Besides embracing change, you should also advocate for positive change. You could start a food drive or recycling program at the office, which would both make your community a better place.

3. Be Grateful
According to research, those who have gratitude journals are more optimistic and feel better about their lives. Additionally, those who discuss gratitude are less envious of wealthier people, are more willing to help others, and can prevent health concerns like coronary artery disease.

4. Do the Right Thing
As an adult, you should definitely know the difference between right and wrong. Let us say you don’t clean up after your dog after taking it for a walk. You don’t need someone to remind you that you should clean up the mess. You know that it’s your responsibility and that it’s not fair to leave it there for someone else to step in.

5. Use Your Strengths
Remember, your skills and talents are a gift. Don’t let them go to waste. If you know how to play the guitar, then share it with others. It will bring joy to you and the people in your life.

6. Address Your Weaknesses
At the same time, you also should be aware of your weaknesses. It’s another way that helps us grow as individuals. Take the time to make a list of your weaknesses and set goals to work on them.
I am a hard person to deal with. I realize this. Learn to admit and address your weaknesses and then find ways to make them better.

7. Take Care of Yourself
Exercise. Eat healthy. Get enough sleep. You’ve heard that advice a thousand times before. But taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to make yourself a better person. For example, how can you go outside and play with your kids when you always feel lethargic? How can you be more productive at work when you’re exhausted? Not only will you be happier and more productive, your loved ones and colleagues will also appreciate it.

8. Be a Hero
That doesn’t mean that you have to put on a pair of tights and a cape. It means helping an elderly neighbour with the groceries. Opening doors for others. Buying a cup of coffee for the person in front of you when her card gets declined. Listening to a friend when his relationship just ended.


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