Classroom Language by: Nancy

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Whenever we talk about classroom language me being a teacher from last few years, I have always told my colleagues and my friend that being a teacher is a really reallyreally tough job these days.
When I talk about classroom language, it does not only mean that how a teacher should talk with the students or how the teacher should conversed with their colleagues in front of Student. In fact, it means that How teachers body language ,verbal language should be when he or she is treating the kids of your class. This topic in my colleagues and in my circle has been our centre of gossip or I must say that a centre of discussion that what is the required or what is the perfect way of handling the kids or what should be their classroom language of a particular teacher with their kids.

I would like to inform All the readers that classroom language is the most tool when you are in the teaching profession. We usually say that parents are the first teachers of the kids. I do agree with the statement but in my perspective these days as parents are really very busy in the daily chores, teachers have become the first and the last teachers of the kids. Kids learn whatever is seen by them or spoken by their “favourite teacher”.
A teachers classroom language should be such that educate that a student must not be hesitant to discuss any doubt related to their curriculum or even related to their life. Classroom language is the sum total of body, language, verbal language, patience of the teacher while handing stubborn kids , special students, way of dressing of the teacher, way of representation of the particular teacher to the kids.
From the above statement, we can easily come to know that what is the importance of classroom language. But this is usually outlooked.

I really feel pained when I come across teachers tag in a particular section of a school or particular student of a class that he or she won’t be able to do anything, but at the very moment we see that that particular child is performing very good in a particular subject or in particular sports. That means that particular child is not dumb. In my opinion, I feel that No child is dumb. It is just that how the teacher handles the child. This is known as Classroom language.
Classroom language is not only how a teacher speaks in a class or how the teacher delivers the lesson classroom language deals with all the environment present in the school or of his/her class in turn, making it the most important topic of today’s education curriculum.

At the end, I would like to summarise this article by saying that a teacher should be groomed for teaching all type of kids which is known as classroom language. Teachers are the nation builders, who internal needs to be groomed so that they can raise the nation in a more efficient and a better way.


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