Curriculum activity 7- Tessellations: A Mathematical juxtaposition (In house activity)

·         The aim of this project was to make the students understand the basic concept behind making tessellations and appreciate the presence of mathematics in the monuments and heritage sites around the world.
·         To define and identify tessellations
·         To discriminate between tessellations and a pattern and find them in the real world
·         To draw 2-D shapes
·         To create their own tessellations and geometric shapes
·         To examine the role of mathematics in society and nature\
Brief and clear description of the activity:
·         The students of grade 7 were divided in groups and asked to prepare PPT on the basis of their research done through internet, magazines etc on the involvement of tessellations in art, culture and monuments of India, UAE and Iraq.
·         They were then asked to choose one monument from these countries and design a piece of art in 2-D display of tessellations on a canvas.
·         The students of Grade 7 were made to create a tessellation called the “de-stress wall”. The wall was left open to students from grade 3-7 to be painted by them on any part during their art periods or free time.
·         All this work of the students was displayed in a gallery and a ‘gallery walk’ was organized for the students and parents at the end of January.


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