Curriculum activity 1- Wildlife Trivia (In-house Activity)

Aim of the Activity:

The aim of this project is to study the endemic animals of India, Australia and The Republic of Madagascar with regards to their name, habitats and other interesting facts.

Sub-Activity 1:

Students watching different movies based on the endemic animals in the school premises.

Students of Grade-1 Creating Paper Masks linking those to endemic animal after watching the movies in the Mask Making Competition.

Sub-Activity 2:

PPTs prepared by the teachers for the students of Grade-2 to let them know about the basic features of the endemic animals of the selected countries.

Quiz Competition conducted for the students based on the PPTs they watched.

Sub-Activity 3:

Role Play Competition held in school for UKG where students enacted as animal and told the name, habitat and other facts.

Sub-Activity 4:

Tear and Paste Activity held for Nursery and LKG where students pasted pieces of papers in the given outline if the endemic animals.


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